Hegoa: Videos

Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Body politics and post-development: Disrupting the script of global capitalism

Autor/a HARCOURT, Wendy Jane
Institución organizadora Hegoa y REEDES
Serie V Congreso Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo: Desafios al Desarrollo. Procesos de cambio hacia la justicia global = Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketen V. Nazioarteko Biltzarra: Garapenari erronkak: eraldaketa prozesuak justizia globalerantz
Tipo de Evento Congresos

Post-development is about the unmaking and remaking of development through the intervention of new narratives, new ways of thinking and doing. Body politics refers to the myriad of practices where feminists reclaim the lived experience of the female body as a vehicle for making and remaking the world through campaigns such as ending gender based violence or menstrual activism. In this talk I explore how body politics is an important feature of post-development discourse through the disruptive and critical interventions of feminist theory and practice. I look how body politics plays out in the post-development landscape in three forms of body politics: 1) reproductive justice; 2)
racialised bodies in resistance; 3) reworlding and life-in-common strategies.

Listado de tags Análisis del Desarrollo, Postdesarrollo, Políticas corporales, Feminismos, Mujer, Derechos reproductivos, Resistencias, Violencia de género, Capitalismo, Globalización
Fecha de grabación 26 de Mayo de 2020


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